Woodchuck Hard Cider

Step into the world of Woodchuck Hard Cider, where tradition meets innovation in every sip. Since 1991, we’ve been proudly crafting America’s original hard cider, driven by a passion that transcends trends and time.

In an era dominated by beer, we remained steadfast in our commitment to hard cider, because for us, it’s more than just a beverage—it’s a way of life. While the world may now be catching on to the cider craze, we’ve stayed true to our roots, fermenting each batch with care and dedication to uphold the legacy of quality and innovation that defines Woodchuck.

From our humble beginnings to the present day, we’ve never wavered in our pursuit of crafting the finest hard ciders imaginable. Every bottle, every batch, is a testament to our unwavering commitment to excellence and our enduring love for the craft.

So whether you’re a longtime fan or new to the world of hard cider, join us on a journey through taste and tradition with Woodchuck Hard Cider. Because at the end of the day, it’s not just about what’s popular—it’s about what we like, and we think you’ll like it too.