Pedal Carts

Get ready for some pedal-powered excitement at Barton Orchards! 🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️ Experience the thrill of racing and exploring on their amazing Pedal Carts.

Hop on these unique and fun carts, powered solely by your own pedal power, and embark on an adventure like no other. Feel the wind in your hair as you navigate through the scenic orchards and enjoy the breathtaking views of the countryside.

Whether you’re looking for a friendly competition with your friends or a leisurely ride with the family, the Pedal Carts at Barton Orchards offer an exhilarating experience for all ages. Race against the clock or simply cruise along the designated tracks, taking in the beauty of the surroundings.

These carts are not only a source of endless entertainment, but they also provide a great opportunity for exercise and outdoor fun. Peddling around the orchard is a fantastic way to get active and enjoy the fresh air, all while having a blast.

The Pedal Carts are located inside the Fun Park at Barton Orchards!