McKenzie’s Hard Cider

In the heart of New York’s illustrious “Apple Country,” McKenzie’s Hard Cider springs forth from a legacy steeped in tradition and a commitment to craft. Eleven years ago, amidst the rustic charm of a century-old cider mill nestled amid iconic apple orchards, McKenzie’s inaugural batches were carefully crafted. Since then, their hard ciders have soared to acclaim, adorned with gold medals that attest to their exceptional quality.

In each effervescent sip of McKenzie’s, there’s more than just the taste of carefully selected apples; there’s a tangible essence of dedication and a touch of enchantment. Their story, rooted in the rich history of cider-making, traces back to ancient times when Caesar stumbled upon the Celts fermenting crabapples in 55 BCE. Even the founding fathers savored the pleasures of hard cider, leaving behind a legacy that McKenzie’s proudly upholds.

As stewards of this cider heritage, McKenzie’s stands as a beacon, blending traditional techniques with innovative twists to create ciders that captivate the palate and stir the soul. But amidst the celebration, they also advocate for responsibility, urging all who partake to savor their creations with mindfulness and moderation. So raise a glass, toast to tradition, and embark on a journey through time with each sip of McKenzie’s Hard Cider.