Hudson Whiskey

In a tale that mirrors many New York stories, Hudson Whiskey embarked on an audacious journey in 2003. It all began with Ralph Erenzo’s wild idea to establish a distillery in upstate New York, a groundbreaking move when craft distilleries were a rarity nationwide. Ralph was a maverick who defied convention, tirelessly advocating for his whiskey while challenging governmental regulations, thus paving the way for the craft distilling movement that now boasts over 1,800 distilleries across the US, with over 180 in New York alone.

Hudson Whiskey has long been recognized for its robust, full-bodied flavors, much like the spirited nature of New York. At the heart of this distinctive character lies a dedication to using high-quality grains sourced from local family farmers and crafting undiluted, straight-up mashbills. This meticulous approach enables them to create the purest expressions of each grain, capturing the artful and unapologetic essence of their craft.

As their whiskeys matured quietly over the past decade, Hudson Whiskey continued to push the boundaries, experimenting with novel grains, blends, and cask finishes. They’ve carved out a unique place in American distilling, forging new and groundbreaking experiences for whiskey enthusiasts everywhere. Always evolving and consistently exciting, their whiskeys encapsulate the vibrancy that is New York, inspired by the brilliance of Broadway, the majesty of the Hudson Valley, and, most importantly, the resilient, creative individuals who call this place home. Hudson Whiskey: As bold and unique as New York itself.