Boulevard Brewing Company

Boulevard Brewing Company, proudly established as the largest specialty brewer in the Midwest, boasts an extensive reach with full or partial distribution spanning 41 states and Washington D.C. Since its inception in 1989, the brewery has steadfastly adhered to the principles of the craft, consistently crafting fresh and flavorful beers.

Dedicated to the use of traditional ingredients and a harmonious blend of time-honored and contemporary brewing techniques, Boulevard Brewing Company has garnered a well-deserved reputation for excellence. Their array of fine ales and lagers, featuring iconic brews such as the Midwest’s best-selling craft beer, Boulevard Unfiltered Wheat Beer, the flagship Boulevard Pale Ale, and the distinguished Smokestack Series line of artisanal beers, are a testament to their commitment to quality and innovation.

In the heart of Kansas City, Boulevard Brewing Company proudly stands as the embodiment of “Kansas City’s Beer,” showcasing the region’s rich brewing heritage while continually pushing the boundaries of taste and craftsmanship.